Contact Us

Office sign reading Dentistry, Dana J. Cope, DMD.Dana J. Cope, DMD
2405 Route 100
Orefield, PA 18069
Phone: (610)395-2904
Fax: (610)395-0948

We are a family-oriented, full service dental office.  We are committed to providing the highest quality care to all our patients.  Children are always welcome. 

Our goals are: 

  • To have our patients feel relaxed and comfortable while at our office.
  • For our patients to feel confident with our knowledge and understanding of their issues.
  • To see all our patients in a timely manner.
  • To furnish the highest quality care.
  • For our patients to receive care in an empathetic, understanding manner.
  • To stay up to date with new techniques through continuing education.

We strive to provide a friendly, positive atmosphere, and a professional, thorough dental experience.

A picture of the Parking lot at the Office of Dana J. Cope, DMD.Our parking lot provides ample room for all our patients.
